Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Proposal


I watched "The Proposal" last week and (oh wow) it was funny. I didn't think I would get many ideas from it for weddings, and simply thought I'd get a few laughs. Well I got more than a few laughs and more than a few ideas. The wedding is set in a converted barn and they create the most magical scene using leafless trees strung with lights and flowers in burnt oranges and autumn tones. You could use willow and fairy lights to create a similar effect (and more affordable too). Warm coloured ranunculus and poppies mixed with cream coloured roses would be perfect to string through the branches.

Sandra Bullocks character, Margaret, wears a vintage gown with a high neck and long sleeves and somehow manages to make it look good. For more stunning high neck gowns visit Brides.

(Image Credits: Touchstone Pictures.)

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