Friday, May 20, 2011

Patti Smith Horses

Patti Smith Horses. Jennifer Egan on Patti Smith…
  • Jennifer Egan on Patti Smith…

  • mactoday
    Apr 6, 11:16 AM
    They do:D Speced out 17'' MBP.

    Youre totally right though, their notebook displays have been taking backseat to the iOS train. Hell, the iPad3 is gonna have a 2048x1536 display for heavens sake...and they couldnt even give the refreshed 13'' MBP the same res as the months old 13'' MBA. FAIL.

    I bet you that you'll never see a iPad with screen resolution like 2048x1536, it's a ****ing nightmare to iOS developers. You don't understand that it's ****ing crazy, iOS interface like MacOS X interface is not scalable. Apple have to change the whole GUI before making this step forward. You know why there is much smaller apps for Android OS that for iOS? Because Adnroid devices have tons of screen resolutions and every ****ing vendor think that this is better but they kill platform with tons of resolutions, it's hard for developers to make apps compatible with all resolutions, again GUI problem.

    Patti Smith Horses. Patti Smith. Horses
  • Patti Smith. Horses

  • iGary
    Aug 5, 05:15 PM
    iMac - No.
    iPod - No.
    MacBook - No.
    MacBook Pro - No.
    MacPro - Yes.
    Xserve - Yes.
    Displays - Yes.
    Leopard Preview - Yes.
    iPhone - Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

    Patti Smith Horses. Blogload: Patti Smith - Horses
  • Blogload: Patti Smith - Horses

  • Cory Bauer
    Apr 12, 07:24 PM
    The Final Cut page has already been updated.
    No, it hasn't.

    Patti Smith Horses. It#39;s a Patti Smith
  • It#39;s a Patti Smith

  • tortoise
    Aug 7, 06:14 PM
    Why not just improve the Backup program that comes with .Mac or include it for free? Do we really need another interface? To me it looks like form over function.

    You are out of your mind. A true versioning file system is insanely useful, and has been a Holy Grail file system feature that has not existed largely because it requires some significant unused disk space and disk performance to use it -- it is not a cheap feature to implement. Once you have it and applications start to use its functionality it will be like the internet: you will wonder how you got on in the computer world without it.

    I do not care how they presented it, if it works as advertised then it is a "killer app" that will cause many people to part with their hard-earned money (myself included).

    Patti Smith Horses. Patti Smith. 1975: Horses (LP)
  • Patti Smith. 1975: Horses (LP)

  • dernhelm
    Aug 7, 03:53 PM
    I am not entirely clear on what all CoreAnimation does and does not do, but I'm wondering if it and RIUI are not related at some level....
    I voted Time Machine. I'm not even sure I'd really use it. But it's a neat idea, and the implementation looks to be nothing less than stunning.

    These were my top two as well. I just didn't have quite enough information on how Core Animation is actually set up to vote for it. It's also hard to get real excited about a developer-enabling feature, but it could certainly lead to some cool apps. It's also great that they're eating their own dogfood and using it to code Time Machine.

    Time machine was my vote mostly because of its wide appeal. This looks awesome, and if it is as effortless as it sounds, may even be a reason to buy some NAS storage and hook it up at home. The demo I saw was simply amazing.

    Great work apple. Now get those Core 2 Duo chips in the iMac and I'll be all set. :)

    Patti Smith Horses. Patti Smith[Horses]
  • Patti Smith[Horses]

  • rjohnstone
    Apr 25, 03:26 PM
    This is RIDICULOUS! if you switch off location services your location is still being tracked by the mobile phone companies everytime your phone makes a connection with one of their masts, which happens everytime you move cell. Oh and this happens with every phone, otherwise they wouldn't work.
    First, there is a difference between a carrier tracking you through external means and you phone's software doing it.
    Second, the data is still collected even with locations services turned off.

    Patti Smith Horses. Photographs of Patti Smith
  • Photographs of Patti Smith

  • leekohler
    Apr 28, 03:53 PM
    I wonder what it would be like to go through life looking for racism around every corner? Constantly seeing the world in these glasses would have to be very tiresome and frustrating. Pretty sad really. People need to stop thinking about themselves and others as being members of groups, and start thinking of everyone as individuals. We're a society of individuals, we get our rights and our liberties as individuals, not because we're part of group A or group B.

    We will when conservatives quit giving us very good reasons for believing so. And we don't have to look around every corner. Conservatives bring it right into people's faces.

    If liberals would stop 'crying wolf' ('claiming racism') at every corner, we might actually take them seriously and help out when there's actual evidence.

    Hmm...and just why did you obsess all day yesterday about "layers" in the online PDF or the birth certificate?

    Patti Smith Horses. Patti Smith / Horses
  • Patti Smith / Horses

  • jmsait19
    Sep 19, 02:46 AM
    (2) Those of us that buy Macbook Pros are throwing down $2500+ for top-of-the-line laptops. Sub-$1000 laptops have had a better processor than Apple's flagship laptops for nearly a month now. If you can still defend Apple after this, do a reality check on the fanboyism.

    You should thouroughly read a post before you quote and attempt to disprove it, or in this case, call the poster a name like fanboy...

    The poster before you mentioned how these "sub-$1000" laptops are JUST starting to ship THIS WEEK, not a month ago as you claim. If Apple were to release new MBP on Monday and announce them as "shipping today," then Apple would only mere days behind, not a month.


    P.S. If you skipped to the end of this post again and are about to reply angrily, please go back and read the post as you will better understand what I am trying to say...

    Patti Smith Horses. Video: Patti Smith - quot;Horsesquot;
  • Video: Patti Smith - quot;Horsesquot;

  • benthewraith
    Mar 31, 11:06 PM
    I feel like Apple fails more on the hardware front than the software front, especially with the iDevices. Regardless, both companies have flaws, but having your next gen OS NOT work on phones is a big uh-oh. Obviously they'll optimize it; perhaps they'll skip honeycomb for phones, and then come out with a unified "faster" approach for both tablets and phones.

    I don't think Google ever had any intentions on deploying it's next gen OS on phones yet. They probably focused on the OS running on tablets during production.

    Patti Smith Horses. Patti Smith - Horses[1975]@320
  • Patti Smith - Horses[1975]@320

  • wolfie37
    Apr 25, 01:50 PM
    "a perfect storm", "overreaction", "typical for the us to sue.."

    ... sorry, but in what ways do I benefit by having apple track my whereabouts to the day and meter? why isn't there an opt-in (apart from the general 'eat **** or die' TOU) or at least an opt-out for this? why is it so easy to access the data?

    ... apple deserves to get a beating for this.
    they're known for focussing on the user in terms of design and UI of theirdevices... they should also make the step to focus on their users best interest in terms of privacy and freedom, rather than their own greed.

    You aren't being tracked by Apple, you aren't being tracked to the meter. You can opt out, just switch off location services.

    And by the way even if you do switch off location services your location is still being tracked by the mobile phone companies everytime your phone makes a connection with one of their masts, which happens everytime you move cell. Oh and this happens with every phone, otherwise they wouldn't work.

    Stop being a paranoid sheep and start reading the facts of this case not the media hype.

    Patti Smith Horses. Patti Smith
  • Patti Smith

  • treblah
    Sep 19, 07:37 AM
    These kinds of arguments are always lame.

    1. People have lifes, not everyone is as much as a geek as you to know exactly how many transistors are in the next Intel processor. That is a code name by the way, Steve is not going to step up and go "Merom Macbook Pros!" on stage. He will look like a Moron.

    2. So? Who is Apple to tell me how much of an improvement I should expect from something? When's the last time you seen Ford advertise "05 Ford Falcon! Fuel efficiency lags behind competing models by under 10%, same old reliable Ford Falcon with 2 year old design, still at same old price of $19,999"

    If there is even so much as 0.001% of improvement you are gonna see Steve step up onto the keynote like a lappy dog and brag it to sound like it is greater than the 2nd coming of Jesus. That's sales 101 for you.

    3. Meroms support 64 bit code. 64 bit code like Leopard (although we don't know for sure), or code like Vista x64 (that is 100% for sure). Sure, you might not mind running things in half arsed modes like some Frankinstein hybrid 32/64 bit system like Tiger is, but some people might actually *gasp* appreciate the ability to judge 64 bit code. Get off your high horse already, if you disagree just keep it to yourself. Not like your arrogant rants contributed anything either.

    It's early but what the hay.

    My post was not an argument. More of a joking preemption of the usual misspelling and disinformation that is usually spread during any Merom thread. So calm the ***** down.

    1. Because Intel calls Conroe and Merom Core 2 Duo, it makes sense to call them by their codenames. Of course Steve isn't going to call it a Merom, and unless they have a new case design, I seriously doubt Steve will call it anything and just let a Tuesday morning PR do the talking.

    2. I honestly have no clue as to what you are trying to convey here.

    3. Wow, just wow. I'm going to break this down into subsections. a) What exactly do you think 'top to bottom' 64-bit means when Steve calls Leopard that? b) So in your opinion a Universal binary is a 'half-assed Frankenstein hybrid'? And Apple would be better off selling a x86 and a x64 version of Leopard? c) Pretty sure we've had this discussion before, correct me if I'm wrong, but please tell me again why having a "64-bit" processor in a enclosure that doesn't support >4GB of RAM is a big deal. I'll wait. Hint: Because 64 is higher than 32 and that means it's better is not the right answer.

    Also, thanks for the laugh.

    Patti Smith Horses. Video: Patti Smith - quot;Horsesquot;
  • Video: Patti Smith - quot;Horsesquot;

  • fblack
    Aug 11, 01:28 PM
    I'm not sure it will be as feature rich as some expect--remember ease of use seldom plays well with complexity.

    However, I am eager to see what comes of this and preferably soon. As I am now on my 3rd replacement RAZR which is begining to have problems.:mad:

    Patti Smith Horses. Posted by Lloyd Naftolin at
  • Posted by Lloyd Naftolin at

  • 0racle
    Mar 31, 04:31 PM
    Oh, then I can take the Honeycomb source code and do whatever I want with it?

    Oh, wait, I can't? Then how doesn't this make Android 'closed source'?

    Sure, just buy a Honeycomb powered device. Until then Google has no legal requirement to let you have the GPL portions of source. As for the rest, it is licensed under an Apache License, which does not require Google release the source at all but does allow a user to modify and redistribute what they do have.

    FOSS does not mean they have to put the source out in the open.

    Patti Smith Horses. Patti Smith | Horses | Arista
  • Patti Smith | Horses | Arista

  • eoblaed
    Apr 25, 02:41 PM
    �We take issue specifically with the notion that Apple is now basically tracking people everywhere they go,� Aaron Mayer, an attorney for the plaintiffs, said today in a telephone interview. �If you are a federal marshal you have to have a warrant to do this kind of thing, and Apple is doing it without one.

    Hyperbole and ignorance all in one fell swoop.

    Apple isn't tracking people. Your device is storing data. The same way it stores all your contact information, your text conversations, your photographs, and your web history -- yet no one is claiming that Apple is tracking your text conversations or contact information.

    It angers me when people like this Mayer guy not only take advantage of people's lack of understanding about what's going on, but exploit it for sensationalistic gain. I'd love to poke him in the eye.

    Patti Smith Horses. Patti Smith: Dream of Life
  • Patti Smith: Dream of Life

  • raymondso
    Sep 19, 09:02 AM they update new product at 9?

    Patti Smith Horses. patti smith horses tab
  • patti smith horses tab

  • Reventon
    Nov 24, 12:53 PM
    Mine is installing right now too. The install process is rather long and tedious, but I can't wait to try out the Top Gear track first if I can. I wonder how many petrolheads are going to do that first? :D

    Patti Smith Horses. Patti Smith | Horses | Jugoton
  • Patti Smith | Horses | Jugoton

  • Willis
    Sep 13, 07:37 PM
    One could run a Folding@Home process on each core :D

    ooooor.... use multiple cores to do one fold... 4 days like my g5 would cut down to like 16 hours... thats mental. awesome... but god damn mental!!

    Patti Smith Horses. Patti Smith#39;s Horses is a
  • Patti Smith#39;s Horses is a

  • Eidorian
    Aug 27, 09:50 AM
    Are you sure that discount applies to the NEW Merom based Macs - I don't think so?The Mac Pro was added into the Major In Mac promo. Considering it was released 2 months after the promo started.

    Patti Smith Horses. case for Patti Smith as a
  • case for Patti Smith as a

  • Lailoken
    Mar 31, 05:52 PM
    I've really loved my experience with Android so far. I've had an iPhone and a iPhone 3G and I am an iPhone developer.... yet I use Android.

    Android will always be "open source" and this is not inconsistent with Google applying more control to stem inoperable fragmentation. These two ideas are not at odds.

    I cannot wait for Google to do what I think Amazon is currently trying to do with their new App. Store.

    That said I really like the new iPad 2, but sadly my next purchase would prolly be a i7 MacBook Pro.

    Apr 27, 08:58 AM
    correct. wasn't sure how long it would take for people in general to get up in arms about location privacy on the idevices... what did people think was going to happen??

    such it is, our electronic tethers are really leashes.

    It's not very accurate information apparently. I would like to know just how accurate this location tracking is before I get too excited.

    Jul 27, 07:04 PM
    looking at reference systems - for $2049, Gateway's Core 2 Duo gets the 2.4GHz/4MB L2 cache Conroe, 2GB of RAM from the factory, an x1900 512MB graphics card, 320GB hard drive, card reader and DL DVD burner.

    make sure to note that is an ATI X1900 CrossFire XT adapter

    Apr 27, 09:51 AM
    I was once proud of the Trump Tower here in Chicago. Now I'd like to see it burned to the ground.

    What are you, a terrorist? lol

    Mar 22, 01:52 PM
    The big difference between Libya and Iraq is that in Iraq there wasn't a large insurgence controlling a decent proportion of the country before the troops went in.

    Good point.

    Aug 5, 07:11 PM
    Here, let me show you the art and science of rumoring (, Apple-style.

    Now that is so true to life. :D

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