Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Studio Spaces: Ben Floeter & Natalie Wright


Artist Names: Ben Floeter & Natalie Wright
Shop Name: suddenlyitsreal.typepad.com
City: Wisconsin

Where in your home/apartment/city is your studio located?
Our main creative spots are the wood shop/print shop in the garage and the tree house.


What equipment/tools do you use?
It takes a lot of tools to do what we do! We have collected quite the arsenal of woodworking and art making and tree house building implements throughout the years. Our latest addition to the family is the antique drill press.

Do you have an inspiration board, and can you tell us what is inspiring you now?
We have suitcases full (literally) of clippings and found objects and doodles that we are always collecting. We love to be surrounded by books and we always find inspiration at thrift stores.


How do you create best (e.g. do you listen to music while you create and if so what?)
Ben needs quite a bit of coffee and Natalie needs quite a bit of tea. Music is always on in Ben's shop. Lately he has been listening to Gang Star, Sasquatch and the Swedish 70's rock band November. If Natalie isn't listening to music, she most likely has on old Merry Melody cartoons in the background or the documentary Endless Summer playing over and over.


List (3) of your favorite artists
There is so much amazing work out there, here is a very small list of some of our favorites.

Kenneth Patchen
Miss Rockaway Armada
Phoebe Washburn
Graffiti Research Lab


If yours isn't, what would be your perfect studio?
We've moved around quite a bit and have set up shop in a variety of spaces. We are currently not settled and are searching for our perfect dream space. This space would be in the country on a little piece of land with plenty of old trees of which to build tree houses! We love old farmhouses with wood burning stoves and lots of history. We also dream of building our own home/art space one day.


Ben Floeter & Natalie Wright
Shop Name: suddenlyitsreal.typepad.com

Thank you Ben and Natalie, we love this place!

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