Saturday, May 21, 2011

Girl Foot Tattoos

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  • Some_Big_Spoon
    Aug 27, 12:56 PM
    I'd like to see a couple pounds shaved off the iMac. I know it sounds goofy, but I'd like a machine thatI could transport easily either to work, or just room to room. It's very light now (considering how much is in there), but - 2 to 5 lbs. would be great.

    Also, and I know peeps don't dig them, but the glossy screen would be nice. The glare's not cool, but the rich colors and brightness are tops.

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  • ninjadoc
    Apr 6, 07:10 PM
    I have something better than a MacBook Air. It's called an iPad 2.

    That with my iMac and I have no need anymore for my 13" aluminum MacBook. While the Air is a nice looking and light machine, I still like having things like Firewire, an optical drive (without having to pay extra for it or plug it in), and above all, screen real estate.

    My 24" iMac gives me that. While my iPad 2 gives my instant on, mobile, and light. When the iMacs get a refresh and ship with Lion, it will be time for a 27".

    I can't send a private message, wanna sell that Macbook Air?

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  • weckart
    Apr 8, 02:48 AM
    Really? C'mon. Most Best Buys don't even have an employee maning the Apple section.

    Our local BB has an Apple employee looking after the Apple section. There is no way it could pull any stunt in breach of Apple's agreement with BB without Apple's finding out.

    Maybe things are different in the US.

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  • generik
    Sep 19, 12:24 AM
    This update better be bitchin!

    I think when the update reveals itself to be.... just a mere processor swop the moans to the high heavens would be deafening!

    Any likelihood that we will see a new case design at MWSF perchance? :rolleyes:

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  • Reventon
    Nov 24, 12:53 PM
    Mine is installing right now too. The install process is rather long and tedious, but I can't wait to try out the Top Gear track first if I can. I wonder how many petrolheads are going to do that first? :D

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  • Tomaz
    Aug 7, 05:12 PM
    Yeah, Apple is definitely copying Microsoft now... it's pretty undeniable. Time Machine is virtually identical to Microsoft's backup system for Vista.

    "Previous Docs" from Wikipedia:

    System Restore, Shadow Copy, and Backup in Vista now run on the same technology (so they are considerably different than the XP versions).

    iChat basically got the remote screen sharing feature that Microsoft shipped with XP in 2001...
    Mail and iCal got a bunch of features from Outlook 2007 and Windows Live Calendar/Mail.
    Dashboard's ability to clip web pages is straight out of Active Desktop.
    the Spotlight improvements were things that Indexing Server in XP/2000/2003 already did. ...
    Spaces is virtual desktops just like the powertoy MS released years ago
    Core Animation looks like Apple's response to all the DX and WPF (Avalon) animation tools in Vista.

    Bingo !

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  • rdowns
    Jun 8, 07:09 PM
    That's me!
    Nearest Apple Store is 90 minutes away. Nearest Authorized AT&T store that would carry the iPhone is like 60. Radio shack is just 10 minutes.

    I'm wondering though, what would be the advantages/disadvantages to buying it at Radio Shack vs AT&T vs The Apple Store? Once I have the item purchased, will I notice any sort of difference what-so-ever?


    Why would there be any difference? Do Cheese Doodles purchased form the Piggly Wiggly taste any better than those purchased from Publix?

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  • arkitect
    Mar 4, 03:41 AM
    There is no risk of destroying society.
    I never realised we had such power�

    Earthquakes when we have sex and now getting married destroys whole societies.


    We are SO screwed!

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  • filmguy
    Aug 7, 07:26 AM
    Hey Guys.

    When do you think they'll update their website with the new "Mac Pro's"?



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  • Willis
    Jul 29, 08:23 AM
    Does anyone else find the UK store Shipping times a bit long all of a sudden. theyve been like this since monday i think.

    white Macbooks 3 days, iMac 20" 5-7 days?

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  • clevin
    Aug 7, 05:37 PM
    can't believe only 8 people voted for 64bit, its the most profound change here.... all others you can achieve with some 3rd party softwares.

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  • rickjs
    Apr 6, 03:19 PM
    did you feel dorky typing XOOM so many times. I would, because its dorky. It's the same reasons that everything in "Xenon: Girl of the 21st Century" was dorky

    Yeah but it kinda grows on you. I really don't like iPad 2 as a name very much, but it kinda grows on you too.

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  • law guy
    Aug 6, 04:28 PM
    As Apple applied for the trademark, it will not be approved.

    It is up to Apple how they want to proceed. A fight that can't win, no matter how much money they have.

    Mac Pro has been the premier Mac dealer in the same county as Apple since 1988. Out of all the names for this new line of computers, why choose one that they know they cannot have.

    We are already getting countless support calls for the macbook pro. It seems they assume we made them When we can't help them, they seem to get very upset.

    Mac Pro is in a position to file for a court order not to release any computer that bears our name.

    So get ready WWDC, we will be watching.

    Mike Ajlouny

    Mike - I'm sure Apple had their IP counsel do an IP search prior to deciding on any names and filing for registration. That is the first and most basic step and is not going going to escape the experienced folks at whatever large firm Apple is using for IP these days. A TM approval from the USPTO doesn't take long at all, 10 to 18 months. Are you operating under the impression that Apple's registration hasn't already been approved? Did you protest the trademark during the time provided for the filing of protests during the trademark registration process? If you've registered mac-pro in the past, did you follow all the guidelines (e.g. providing notice that you were using the term within 6 months of your approval to the USPTO or request a six month extension with USPTO, etc.) have you renewed the registration? If you did file, had it approved, provided the notices of use to the the USPTO, and protested and lost on Apple's application, a bid for a TRO will be interesting as - assuming that last list of events - there are no rights being infringed. Of course, I'm not an IP att'y and there's a long list of assumptions here, and I'm sure if you did have an issue, a post on the MR forum wouldn't be your means of pursuing it.

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  • ~Shard~
    Jul 14, 02:32 PM
    My intention: to wait for 3Ghz+ Xeon, which sounds like it should only be a few months later. That's also time for a few little tweaks to be made if necessary, giving me something between a version A and version B machine.

    That's a really good plan. Wait a few months, let the bugs get ironed out of the new Intel PowerMacs, and then buy something for the same price with better technology.

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  • firewood
    Mar 26, 06:47 PM
    I'm glad rosetta is going away. Maybe the dev will finally update the app.

    The dev is dead, too old to program anymore, or has long ago moved on to other companies and hobbies, etc. Maybe the source code depends on the PowerPlant framework, or is on a floppy disk that the dog chewed up. But thousands of Mac users still like using the old application a lot better than any of the new cr*plets.

    Maybe you'll volunteer to rewrite a new app as good or better, in every regard, for free?

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  • bonehead
    Nov 29, 03:23 AM
    Wil universal get what they want?.. Apple is not totally powerless in this potential negotiation but i doubt steve has the power to laugh in their faces. Apple does not make music, it sells it. A seller can hardly laugh in the face of the producer of goods (or the gatekeeper of those goods). Want proof?.. walmart vs apple. Apple makes ipods.. Walmart refused to deal with apple the way apple wanted.. guess who lost in that battle.. walmart of course.. they are merely a seller, apple is the gatekeeper of ipods. The same is with the music studios.. apple is a seller, music companies are the gatekeepers. They can dictate who can and can't sell their music and while every corporation is motivated by profits.. they can always take their music and go home. Sure they lose but so does apple or they can make their music exclusively available only on microsoft service. You might not buy the music but you aren't 300 miliion americans. I gurantee apple does not want to be sitting by idly watching microsoft steal a market they grew. Naw, steve is not laughing in anyone's face.

    Any record company is free to make their music exclusively available on a service that is incompatible with 75% of the mp3 players owned by those 300 million Americans but I don't think many will.

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  • QuarterSwede
    Aug 12, 07:48 AM
    It may have been leaked on purpose. In light of the recent investigation into financial irregularities, this may have been to steady the floor.

    Also regarding mobile-phone saturation in Europe, i'd have to say it's almost 100%. I don't think Americans realise how cheap and easy it is to get a phone in Europe. It has gotten to the stage where they are almost a disposable item. For 50 euro you can get a nokia camera-phone, with 40 euro call credit. Of course this will be an entry level phone, but decent nonetheless.

    Every kid here in Ireland seems to have one. Only last week i helped a homeless man enter credit into his phone, I couldn't believe it, i was shocked when he asked me. Turns out its not so uncommon, charities give them old phones and help keep them charged. It represents some security for them, emergency calls are always free.
    You can get a cheap cell phone in the US as well. We call them track phones, go phones, boost (pay to add minutes to the phone). Even drug dealers use them so they can toss the phone when the deal is done and not be tracked. In the long run they are much more expensive then just getting a provider and plan.

    Back on topic, Apple's iPhone will have to be pretty sweet and work very well for me to buy one. I love my SE W600i for the UI alone. Its very intuitive and works very well.

    I'm thinking it'll look similarly like the Nano (as to kill the RAZR in size) yet have a click wheel that is integrated into the key pad. I saw a mockup last year that was VERY convincing because it was ingenious but haven't seen it since. The clickwheel was indented into the keypad area. I wish I could find that picture.

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  • Yvan256
    Apr 6, 01:45 PM
    Once people start buying and using software (even freeware), the game is over. Most people don't want to lose what they use right now, it's their "personal software libraries".

    That's why Microsoft Windows still dominates the desktop and even a free OS like Linux cannot compete. More than two decades of Windows near-monopoly on the desktop can't be pushed aside as easily as OSS folks would like to, though they did win on the server side.

    That's also why the iPad currently dominates the tablet market and probably will for at least a few years down the road. The only chance competitors have is to sell a tablet for at most half the price of the iPad, with equivalent features (browser, music, videos, books). Unfortunately for them, the iPad can also run software made for the iPhone and iPod touch, so they are much more than a year late as far as "personal software libraries" go.

    Apple, on the other hand, are simply competing with themselves. Their goal doesn't appear to be "beat the competitors products", it's probably "beat the previous iteration of our own product".

    Twice as much RAM, faster dual-core CPU, up to 9 times faster GPU, facetime cameras... the iPad 1 just can't compare to the iPad 2. Imagine what's to come for future models.

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  • Beaverman3001
    Apr 6, 01:17 PM
    Won't purchase any Mac with intel graphics.

    Apr 27, 10:24 AM
    Laugh all you want, but they are being sensible. If the media hype gets too great, they act, as they should.

    I have no antenna issue with my iPhone 4, and I don't use a case or a bumper. I understand what Apple meant by calling it a non-issue.

    Apple did not track you, it sent anonymized cell tower location information back to itself. But there was a bug that kept a locally-stored database file from being culled from all but the most recent data. So they will now provide an update to fix that bug.

    But if you want to pretend that Apple is in denial mode, and use exclamation points as if your hair were on fire, go right ahead. You nicely prove the point I was just making with samcraig.

    Don't you just love it? Apple identifies an potential issue, and does something to remedy it, and they get yelled at for doing so. If they do nothing, they get yelled at for doing nothing.

    Catch 22.

    Apr 6, 01:07 PM
    Awesome, can't wait.
    Picking up the 11" soon as they are out.

    RICH B!tch! hahaha

    I'm referring to his iMac and MBP and Iphone and Ipad and soon to be MBA

    Aug 5, 03:26 PM
    I heard a rumour somewhere of an all metallic ipod nano, can anyone else tell me if they have heard anything similar.

    Jul 27, 10:00 AM
    So are we really going to get ALL of these new toys come WWDC? Leopard preview, Merom laptops, Core2/Woodcrest Mac Pros, Core2 Imacs (oh, and maybe a movie download add to iTunes) That sounds like an awful lot of stuff to cover in such a short period of time. What do people think about timelines for introduction here?

    Rule 1 of Apple Events:

    You never get all the marbles.

    Mar 31, 02:31 PM
    Doesn't mean he's not right on this one.

    He's moved to the Anger stage, after entering the Denial stage on the Honeycomb fiasco.

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