Saturday, May 21, 2011

Small House Plans In Kerala

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  • shamino
    Jul 21, 10:07 AM
    With all these new technologies with 4, 8 and eventually 24-core capacities (some time in the not too distant future) all running at 64-bit, we musn't forget that software also has tobe developed for these machienes in order to get the most out of the hardware. At the moment we aren't even maximising core-duo, let alone a quad core and all the rest!!!!
    It really depends on your application.

    On the desktop, if you're a typical user that's just interested in web surfing, playing music files, organizing your photo collection, etc., more than two cores will probably not be too useful. For these kinds of users, even two cores may be overkill, but two are useful for keeping a responsive UI when an application starts hogging all the CPU time.

    If you start using higher-power applications (like video work - iMovie/iDVD, for instance) then more cores will speed up that kind of work (assuming the app is properly multithreaded, of course.) 4-core systems will definitely benefit this kind of user.

    With current applications, however, I don't think more than 4 cores will be useful. The kind of work that will make 8 cores useful is the kinds that requires expensive professional software - which most people don't use.

    If you get away from the desktop and look to the server market, however, the picture changes. A web server may only be running one copy of Apache, but it may create a thread for every simultaneous connection. If you have 8 cores, then you can handle 8 times as many connections as a 1-core system can (assuming sufficient memory and I/O bandwidth, of course.) Ditto for database, transaction, and all kinds of other servers. More cores means more simultaneous connections without performance degradation.

    Cluster computing has similar benefits. With 8 cores in each processor, it is almost as good as having 8 times as many computers in the cluster, and a lot less expensive. This concept will scale up as the number of cores increases, assuming motherbaords can be designed with enough memory and FSB bandwidth to keep them all busy.

    I think we might see a single quad-core chip in consumer systems, like the iMac. I think it is likely that we'll see them in Pro systems, like the Mac Pro (including a high-end model with two quad-core chips.)

    I think processors with more than 4 cores will never be seen outside of servers - Xserves and maybe some configurations of Mac Pro. Mostly because that's where there is a need for this kind of power.

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  • rovex
    Mar 22, 12:49 PM
    Blackberry playbook = The IPad 2 killer - you heard it here first.

    Look at the specs, their greater or equal to the iPad 2 with the exception of battery life.

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  • koobcamuk
    Apr 7, 10:21 PM
    Obviously you know little about retail and accounting.

    Please tell him.

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  • kcmac
    Apr 27, 10:09 AM
    I think that a lot of people forget that the first iPhone did not have GPS. It helped you find where you were by locating Wi-Fi hotspots and triangulating cell towers. Sometimes it would get you pretty close to where you were but sometimes the results could be fairly maddening. We always referred to this as fake GPS back then.

    Now with the combination of real GPS and these other two methods, it is a very accurate system. And fast. I believe Apples description and only hope that the software update does not reduce speed or accuracy of what I have now come to expect.

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  • azzurri000
    Sep 18, 11:39 PM
    I still think it's funny that everyone thinks these Macbook Pros are "long overdue" - when, exactly, did the FIRST Dell laptop with C2D ship? I thought it was supposed to be around tomorrow...but surely it couldn't have been before last Monday or so at the earliest.

    So that's, what? A week behind in the worst case scenario? Oh God...

    However - if they waited till November, then yeah, I'd agree that they were overdue...:)

    I see your point... I think Merom has been really overhyped, and I can say that I have gotten caught up in it all. There has been so much talk about Merom for so long, that it's almost hard to believe that it's brand new. Perhaps Santa Rosa will be the same later on...

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  • smaffei
    Apr 27, 08:05 AM
    A lot of people are upset over this. But, no one seems to care that the US Government can snoop on any electronic communication it wants for well over 10 years now:

    Data transmissions, cell phone calls, you name it. I think we're trying to cook the wrong goose if you ask me.

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  • SevenInchScrew
    Aug 14, 01:20 PM
    OK, one last post to clarify my stance on things, then I'm really done.
    did you buy GT5: prologue?

    for someone who at one point really liked the games/series, i don't see why you wouldn't give this game a shot, at least after reading reviews first. i find it very frustrating to see people make judgements before the game is even out
    i hope you at least read some reviews once the game is out before making a choice like that. and i also hope that this thread hasn't led you to that decision
    Yes, I did buy GT5:P, sadly. I have spent way to much money on Polyphony's games. I even bought an import PS2 off a friend so I could play some of the JDM releases. I own...

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  • nickspohn
    Apr 25, 04:08 PM
    If you notice, Congress has been conspicuously absent since sending off a letter to Steven P. Jobs.

    Actually they haven't.

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  • mjsanders5uk
    Apr 5, 05:02 PM
    and Mac Pros!
    and entry level MacBook!
    and Mac minis!
    and ...

    Not again..

    NAB is for broadcast professionals - its doubtful there will be computer releases here.

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  • AppliedVisual
    Apr 25, 04:20 PM
    This is so incredibly stupid, it's mind-numbing.

    Edit> I deleted the rest of my post. I see no reason to comment further.

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  • Alexsaru
    Sep 13, 06:54 AM
    I was interested to see that they were unable to max out CPU utilization on all 8 cores in the system. I hope it's due to the software these days not being ready to fully utilize more than one or two cores and not due to OSX's ability to scale to larger core counts. Since that's obviously where we're heading. Does anyone know about the potential for scalability of OSX to large numbers of CPU's/cores? I know some *nix varieties and BSD varieties do this really well, but one wonders if they were thinking this far in the future when they developed OSX. It'll be interesting to see...

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  • MacRumors
    Aug 7, 03:14 PM (

    Also during Apple's WWDC keynote, Steve Jobs previewed Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard). Among the features demonstrated were:

    - 64 bit ( application support extended throughought the User Interface layer of the OS, allowing "full" 64-bit application development and deployment.
    - Time Machine (, automatic backup and restoring of files corrupted or accidentally deleted or overwritten by the user.
    - Spaces (, Apple's implementation of virtual desktops.
    - Core Animation (
    - Enhancements to Dashboard (, Spotlight (, Mail (, iCal ( and Universal Access (
    - Boot Camp, and "next generation" Front Row, and Photo Booth bundled

    Apple plan to release Leopard in "Spring 2007."

    More information can be found at Apple's Leopard Sneak Peek ( pages.

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  • iMrNiceGuy0023
    Jun 20, 04:28 PM
    you might be better off at a mall RadioShack than a stand alone store....they tend to get more inventory of any product

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  • TangoCharlie
    Jul 20, 11:25 AM
    You realize there are probably only four people on this board who are old enough to get that joke, right? [snip]

    I'm one of them! :eek: What I woudn't have given for a Quadra 650 when they came out. I was stuck with an LC (original pizza box Mac). In fact, I'd have been happy with the LC475 (which was basically a cut-down Quadra 605)!! :)

    Eventually did get an LC475... minus the case. Oh, those were the days!

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  • Peace
    Aug 5, 03:53 PM
    This roundup is missing:

    *New Cinema Displays with iSight - Widely Anticipated
    *xServe - Almost definitely in my opinion, because without these, Steve cannot say that "the transition is complete".
    *"Maps" application in Leopard - according to AppleInsider

    There is no way in the world Apple will be putting iSights in the Cinema Displays.

    xServe will be updated at WWDC2006.Thats a given.
    OS 10.4.7 Server sold with each new xServe.
    There will be no standalone DVD sold.

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  • soldierblue
    Apr 20, 03:15 PM
    The suits aren't very similar at all.

    They're similar enough that an average person should be able to make a connection. Apple is filing a lawsuit against Samsung that doesn't have much chance of sticking, but that's not even the point, they want to scare Samsung into a settlement in all likelihood.

    Think deeper. They're more similar than you think they are.

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  • LagunaSol
    Apr 6, 03:47 PM
    Real tablet OS, Full internet, True multitasking - the list's expanding fast :D

    Google did have to take Open off the talking points list... ;)

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  • arkitect
    Apr 27, 03:04 PM
    Just do a Google search for 'obama birth certificate layers' and you'll see that I'm not the only one who downloaded a file with multiple layers or objects or whatever.

    And while you are Googling you may even come across explanations for the objects in a single layer pdf…
    But why bother with that, eh?

    Linky… (

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  • VanNess
    Aug 7, 04:13 PM
    Ladies and Gentleman, Apple proudly presents the next release of Apple's groundbreaking operating system: OS X 10.5 "Leopard"

    Hey, that don't look like no Leopard...

    Jul 20, 09:43 AM
    There are serious electrical and physical problems with jacking up clock speeds much further than they are now. Intel managed to push their chips to 3.8GHz, but the power consumed was tremendous.Fixed

    Aug 11, 10:15 AM
    What OS will the iPhone be running? :confused:
    If people want a Treo replacement, you are going to have top consider:
    1. calendar - hopefully you can port over Palm to iCal
    2. contacts - to Mail/Address book
    3. will there be a keyboard - personally I send a lot of mail/texts so would want to keep the "thumb-board" ;)

    Nov 29, 06:20 AM
    My initial reservations about this story (the Zune/Universal payment) was much like eveybody's elses on these forums - very bad for us and screw 'em. But now that I've had time to think it through I actually think it's a fantastic idea.

    Fantastic for the consumer and the artist, and potentially catastrophic for Universal Music.

    Allow me to explain! Somebody buys a Zune or iPod that has had the 'Universal Tax' applied to it and then fills it with 30GB of stolen Universal music. It goes to court and the 'Pirate' successfully argues that he/she has already compensated UMG by buying the iPod/Zune. The judge agrees and piracy of Universal music becomes legal so long as it's for the 'UMG taxed' iPod or Zune. UMG collapses overnight and the artists get to release music on their terms and get more of the money that they deserve, not the faceless corporations and shareholders.

    Why is this good for us? Because every entertainment company would become very wary of labelling us all 'pirates' and might actually realise that digital distribution at a fair price is their future.

    D'oh somebody has already written something to this effect whilst I was typing!!

    Aug 27, 06:55 PM
    +BT Mighty Mouse (x2)
    BT Keyboard
    Some sort of bag for the MBP
    D-Link USB Bluetooth drive

    *Crosses fingers*

    I just bought this today at my local Apple Store in anticipation of receiving my new 2.33mhz MBP 17".
    I'm a 36 year old man and I still use backpacks instead of briefcases. :cool: When will I ever grow up? :)

    Apr 7, 11:50 PM
    As an example; lets say the local BB store got a 100 iPad 2 64GB 3G's in this morning. That is about $830K in sales. And lets say they average sales without the iPad 2 for the same day LY was $500K. Next year that manager would be looking at needing a $1.3M+ to make his goal.

    Good example, bad math. 100 iPad 2 64GB 3G = $830 x 100 = $83,000, not $830K. If Best Buy stores were pulling in $1M+ per day or even $500k+ per day then their stock would go through the roof.

    I concur with you on the whole bean counter thing. I work for a large company and its amazing to me how much money bean counters waste in their attempts to save a few pennies. We once spent over $10,000 in time (when computing hourly wage by salary) to purchase a $100 piece of software because the bean counters tried to make us jump through hoops to prove we really really could not do without it. It was sad.

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