Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Poppies "Update"

Thank you to everyone who particpated and nominated their favourites for our new upcoming awards, The Poppies, (the response was overwhelming)! We're really excited about this event and are looking forward to the next stage, "the voting"! With that in mind and as this is our first awards, we have come aware of a few issues we weren't expecting. First off, we received a few emails, along with comments with respect to our communication/rules in the nomination process.

We realize that we were not exactly clear, and because of that, rather than choose 5 finalists at this point, we are going to put all *valid nominations up for voting. This will allow for a more fair process, as we believe some were clearly not aware that they should be canvassing for more than one nomination, or even knew they had been nominated.

The voting will be set up in a "poll format" for each category so one can only vote once in each category. (Or once per IP address). We hope this will alleviate the possibility of one person voting more than once.

Also because of the amount of nominations that were received, and the different formats in which they were typed in, we are going to delay the voting process until Tuesday, January 18th, to allow us time to administrate the entire process and create a space in which the voting will take place. We thank you for your patience.

We have also decided to set up two awards for each category:

1) The Peoples Choice Award
2) Jury's Choice Award- (Jury to be advised).

This we believe will make the entire voting process the fairest and democratic possible. And yes, this will mean there will be two winners for each category! See you here Tuesday for the voting!

*valid - anonymous nominations or nominations with no url provided were not accepted.

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