Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Expectation: Sidsel Palmstrøm

sidselSidsel Palmstrøm: Conversation, object, sammenheklet duk and tallerkner. From the exhibition "Expectation" in the Akershus Kunstnersenter.

I came across this interesting installation by Sidsel Palmstrøm online via the Norwegian Arts Council site, Norske Kunsthandverkere. The installation called, Expectations, studies the idea of expecations and individual interpretations. Through works of art, sculptures and installations, she would like to create open stories in which the viewer can form their own stories. Her exhibition this summer in Akershus Kunstnersenter, in Lillestrøm, Norway, are works of art which are in dialogue with the audience. The towel installation below consists of 30 towels each with it's own respective embroidered monogram or words from daily life, such as lust, silence, hope, shame, trust, grief, joy, etc. What strikes me is the white on white, almost like you're in a dream, with all your emotions from the previous day hanging on these towels after washing them away.

sidselSidsel Palmstrøm: Expectation, linhåndkler embroidered with the words From the exhibition in Akershus Kunstnersenter.

04SPImage from Akershus Kunstnersenter

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