Thursday, July 23, 2009

70 Reasons to buy handmade +vintage Part 2

genevieve dionnebirch cup by
Continuing with our 70 Reasons to Buy Handmade series, here are the next seven. No. 8. Buying handmade shows our children that not everything in this world needs to be mass produced. It teaches them to love and appreciate the unique and the imperfect. And it inspires them to do their own creating as well. Jill Bent.

Feel free to add your own reasons to buy handmade in the comments along with a link and we could use yours in our next posts!

SWEETSHORN VINTAGEsweetshorn.etsy.comNo. 9. Avoid the malls! No crowds, no traffic, no sea of same, same, same, no depressing crush of commercialism. Key Lime Design

rural (Rural Diaspora)No. 10. Encourages independent thinking that breaks corporation's homogenizing tendencies. Chikabird and Ladies & Gentlemen

RAQUEL MASRIraquelmasri.etsy.comNo. 11. Because you could own the next Rothko, Mapplethorpe, etc! The Green Zebra

monkeysalwayslook.etsy.comNo. 12. Embraces and celebrates the diversity of regional cultures, ideas, and resources from around the world. Chikabird and Ladies & Gentlemen

petit coteriePetitCoterie.etsy.comNo. 13 Because someone else is using their talents to create gifts and decor that I myself cannot make. Scribble It.

Persimmon and Pinepersimmonandpine.etsy.comNo. 14. When you give a handmade gift it's more like writing a letter to someone than giving them a gift-certificate. Paperiaarre.

To be continued...

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