Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Don't Fear the Raw Green Monster: Kale Salad with Parmesan

By Jeannette Ordas of Everybody likes Sandwiches

Slowly but surely our CSA shares are growing. And every week I'm trying to figure out what to do with all the kale and chard that comes tumbling into our tiny kitchen at an ever-increasing pace. While I love braising or sauteeing these dark bitter greens, I've always been a bit leary about eating these dark bitter greens raw. They seemed too bitter or too earthy or just too tough. But not wanting to heat up my kitchen in the hot summer weather sealed my fate. Comfort was king and a kale and chard salad was going to be dinner.

Tentative about all that green stuff, I gladly stuffed my salad with some carrots and green onions (also from our CSA). While this was a defensive move, it was a good one, as the carrots provided crunch, sweetness and colour, while the onions gave this salad bite.

My first taste of this salad was surprising. The greens weren't tough or too bitter. In fact, they rolled around in all that nice garlicky, oily vinaigrette and challenged you to think they were anything but delicious. I was impressed. Kale in salad, who knew?

Raw Kale, Chard & Carrot Salad with Parmesan
(adapted from a recipe by Melissa Clark in The New York Times)
1/2 bunch kale, ribs removed
1/2 bunch chard, ribs removed
2 carrots, sliced into matchsticks
2 green onions, finely diced
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1/4 cup finely grated parmesan cheese + extra for garnish
1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil, more for garnish
Freshly squeezed juice of 1 lemon
large pinch kosher salt
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste

Roll kale and chard leaves into cigar shapes and cut them into thin strips. Then cut them the opposite way so that you have small bits of greens. Put into a large bowl. Add the carrots and green onions and toss so that everything is well combined.

In a small jar, add in the garlic, cheese, olive oil, lemon juice, salt and a lot of freshly ground pepper. Give everything a good shake and pour over the salad, tossing well so that every bit is coated. Serve with additional cheese.

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